If you already own Anneman’s one man act, you tne not feel you got as much value. Theodore Annemann On the night of January 12,Annemann was scheduled to perform his bullet catch indoors for the first time. The Jinx Experience allows magicians and mentalists to experience more. Complete run of 151 issues bound into three volumes Each bound volume includes an Index for the issues. The Jinx was a magic periodical edited and published by Theodore Annemann from October – December It was originally a monthly magazine but. Theodore Annemann, through his own performances and editorship of Jinx magazine. 2 It has been described in M-U-M as one of the greatest magazines ever published 3 and in The Linking Ring as probably the greatest magic magazine of all time. 1 It was originally a monthly magazine but began weekly publication with no. The Jinx October – November Written by Theodore Annemann. Mentalism with Cards Psychic Codes Miscellaneous Mental Masterpieces. The Jinx was a magic periodical edited and published by Theodore Annemann from October 1934 December 1941. pages of his own magazine, The Jinx and then was suddenly, tragically extinguished.
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Plus cigarettes, coins, silks, matches, slates, programs, spirit effects, thimbles, ropes and ribbons and some of the greatest mental effects of the present day. The Lie Detective (Stuart Hobson)4 A Question And The Answer (Theodore Annemann)4 A Neat Publicity Trick (Nat Scherser)No. Every type of magic is here - ball tricks, bill tricks, billet reading, book tests, brain tests, cards - some of the most unusual card effects and miracles. This wonderful iBooks-Author book is a beautiful readers guide. Ted Annemann published this remarkable work throughout the 1930s, and it is still filled with effects, stratagems, and creative thinking that inspire modern mentalists and magicians. Through 151 issues, it demanded and received every last iota of magical knowledge and psychological research that only an Annemann could give. THEODORE ANNEMANN Whose brilliant contributions to the field of Mental Magic will remain as an everlasting memorial to his. The Jinx is one of the greatest magic magazines ever published. There has never been anything to equal the Jinx Magazine, Ted Annemann's own idea of a thoroughly practical and fearless publication. The Jinx by Ted Annemann - Volume 1 (Numbers 1-50). Ted Annemann - The Jinx (1-3)(Number 1-151) Nos 1 - 151 (3 Volumes) by Annemann, Theodore (1907-1942) Edition: Reprint Book Condition: Very Good Condition Book Description: New York.: Louis Tannen, 1963 Facsimile reprints of issues 1 - 151, bound in 3 volumes.